Saturday, November 10, 2012

Video Games for EFL students

       This time I am going to talk about video games and how they can be used in a foreign language acquisition. EFL students can benefit greatly from the use of games, particularly as they acquire mastery over a new language. Using video games in the classroom can be a wonderful way to motivate students. Nowadays it is very difficult to find a child who doesn't enjoy computer games. Despite the fact that adults take games as isolating and disruptive, youths find them exhilarating, fun. Besides they can play with their friends and find out who is the winner. 
   " If you can  hold the attention of children, you can educate them.” (Prensky, 2001).  This means that teachers should do their best to keep up with the new technologies, since for grasping today's childlren's concentration and requirements, they need to include digital technologies and be aware of the innovations constantly. Today's child's mind is shaped in such a way that old traditions are not appropriate for their needs and interests and their approach towards the learning is different. But  there are some teachers who believe that the use of the technology has a negative impact on  students,  especially video games ( Guerrero, 2011). I disagree as students become more creative, dynamic and attentive due to video games. But there is a danger as well, since students can find many other violent things that are not appropriate for their age. However if they are playing at home parents  can check whether the environment is safe for their children or not. Moreover they can put limits on the quantity of time children can play these games. 

    Video games also should be chosen according to student's level of proficiency and interests. I think it would be better to include various types of games as each of them develops different skills. Video games shouldn't be too easy, as simple games don't give them a chance to fight. It is very uncomplicated for them and they get tired of them quickly. 
    Thus nowadays critical thinking, creativity and the skill to assess and manage information have become very essential and it's obvious which kind of student we should create within our classrooms.Video games are one of those tools that should be applied for acquiring a foreign language.


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