Wednesday, December 12, 2012


     In this  blog post  I am going to compare the characteristics of VLEs (virtual language environment) with those of PLEs(personal language environment). PLE is a notion that portrays how learners construct and maintain their study through individualized tools and resources. Its purpose is to link formal and informal learning and to acquire the goals of lifelong learning, based on the new forms of social software and the new patterns of the web as platform. It is a notion that portrays how learners construct and maintain their study through individualized tools and resources.
PLE  is unique by its character and each person can select his/her own ideal approaches. PLEs are not constrained to web based tools, but can involve private experiences, conversations and other resources such as newspapers, television and radioUnlike the VLE, the PLE shares resources for collaborative knowledge production. The resources assembled and accessed in the PLE are more typically blog postings, reviews, comments, etc . The VLE  works within an organizational scope while the PLE  functions at a personal level in that it coordinates information and services related directly to the user.


IMAGE 1: alliance/projects/p2.0ple/collaborativelearning1.gif

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