The episode is about dangerous instincts and the author of the book "dangerous instincts" , Marry Elen O Toole expert on psychopathy and criminal behaviour, talks about it. It is not good when people trust their Gut instinct fully as it may be just the opposite especially when you are in danger.We can't measure, imrove it and we even don't know where it is situated. We use it to make life changing decisions and sometimes these decisions are good ones. However that is not because of Gut feelings, other factors play a greater role than just Gut instinct, as people more often make serious decisions not just relying on their sense. Besides we often decide based on the superficial indicators. For example people very often pay attention to the appearance of a person and due to that factor they can go for a walk with that person. There exist some mystical reasons for trusting somebody when you shouldn't do that. The author says that reading her book will be very useful as it is an aid to use some behavioural assessment for knowing and understanding whether the person standing in front of you is safe or not. It is also very hazardous to walk along the street with our headphones on our ears or without visual attention to the surrounding. This takes place as people trust themselves a lot for the reason that they have never become victims of violent crimes and it seems to them that everything is going to be right. She brings an example of Guarrie Ridgeway, a sexual killer in USA, who was taking his victims by lorry. He has a good way of convincing people and his victims looking at him think that they are very good readers of people and he isn't going to harm them. There are many people, like Guarrie who are very persuasive and by using various convincing tools they can cheat. If the person is too persuasive you should take that into consideration as that may mean that somebody wants to cheat you by this way. Thus after reading this book you shouldn't be suspicious to everybody. It just gives actual tools that you can use to assess behaviour and personality , to read a situation more carefully , to ask the right questions and finally to make right decisions that will keep you safe. Of course I agree with the author that we shouldn't always trust our instinct, but as for me I can say that my instinct has never let me down. I have made many life changing decisions by instinct which have turned to be right. May be this is just coincidence but the choice to trust your instinct or not is yours. So ask yourself the question '' should I trust my instinct'' and try to find the answer by the help of this book.
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ReplyDeleteThank you Tatev for a very interesting post. I haven't read this book, but I think I will during our vacations. But I would like to answer you question. Would like to say, that I also trust my instinct, as there were many situations in my life when I had to make a decision and I always followed my inner voice. It has never let me down so far:)