Saturday, October 15, 2011

Eating Unhealthy  Food
    The episode is a conversation between Helen and Gate. During their dialogue they are talking about some unhealthy food. Gate was going to prepare mean sandwhiches for lunch, but she didn't like that idea because he was going to prepare them with cold cuts, which are processed meats , include a lot of  attetives and sodium, something that will harm the health greatly. 
Then he suggested to prepare salads and this time she encouraged to make salads  if they were organic, since those greens are full of chemicals and pesticides. What concerns to preparing healthy smoothies she said that she would agree only in case of fresh fruits, as bottle juices contain high fructos corn -syrop. Finally the man offered Helen to choose a restaraunt, where they could go and had a tasty and healthy lunch. So  instead of putting himself into trouble, he suggested to go to a restaraunt, as he   found nothing that didn't look like junk food for Helen. I think, coming out of my own experience, that  illnesses are mostly connected with eating junk food. Eating is also a great art and each of us should more or less try to follow eating rules in order to save our lives. We should keep in mind that we eat to live and we don't live for eating. We all know that junk food and fast food are not so far from each other, but still many people enjoy it not paying attention to that fact. Why  can't people give up this dangerous habit? Why are they ready to put their health in danger just for a few minute pleasure?
   Thus I would like to reveal the words, used during the conversation, to make them more evident, as they are the words that the second language learner may have some difficulties to understand. 
sandwich art
a mean sandwhich - "mean''  here means excellent, great and it is the informal use. When it is used formally, it has the meaning  of unkind and not nice.        

it doesn't sound like much-  to appear to be unimportant, not significant

cold cuts- These are thin pieces of processed meat, (roast bief, ham, turkey are cold cuts) used for sandwhiches.

organic- something that is grown without any artificial chemicals

greens- lettice, spinage used in salads 

pesticide- a chemical used to kill insects, bugs that could damage vegetables or food such as crops

smoothie- is a thick cold drink made with fruit, ice , usually milk, sometimes ice-cream, fruit juice, frozen yoghurt

high fructos corn -syrop- it is a sweet liquid made from corn used instead of sugar in processed various food

to put oneself into trouble- to create problems 


  1. I want to order an AUA sandwich just now.

  2. It`s a pity that we cannot stop using unhealthy food.Thank you for interesting post.

  3. Me too Kristina, it's a pity that the cafeteria of AUA doesn't have a delivery service!!!
    Thanks Tatev for your post, I agree that we eat to live and not live to eat, but, as for me, I think that everything that we do, we should do with pleasure, so why not? Lets both eat in order to get energy and enjoy:) We all, regardless our will, are exposed to dangerous things. For example, we all know that smoking is dangerous to our health, but second-hand smoke, itself, can cause cancer and other diseases.
    Thus, tomorrow I am going to eat a sandwich!:)

  4. Thanks Tatev jan it is really very good idea to remind about unhealthy food meaning its dangerous sides, as it is very common all over the world although it is very harmful.

  5. thanks for comments and opinions.
